
「我希望,我能夠不斷的重新反省我的生活。最困難的事情是盡可能的停留在真實之中。一直讓自己感覺舒服,停止問問題,並讓自己的生命陷入昏昏欲睡, 是個具有誘惑力的陷阱。」

答:我希望這是「中生」 ( mid-life ) 成就獎。


問:你也參與了「傑夫住在家裡 」,內容是關於一對分居的夫婦重新評估他們的生活。這裡有什麼東西,讓你感同身受的嗎?
答:我希望,我能夠不斷的重新反省我的生活。最困難的事情是盡可能的停留在真實之中。一直讓自己感覺舒服,停止問問題,並讓自己的生命陷入昏昏欲睡, 是個具有誘惑力的陷阱。




問:你對天主教有何想法? ....。


So, you're picking up a lifetime achievement award … (1) 
I hope it's a mid-life achievement award. 

Do you have any life tips?

I've done everything wrong so there's really no explanation as to why I'm still around. I work with a lot of new directors – half the time they are not that great but you never know until you try. I've taken movies that people told me I shouldn't, I've taken years off to have children, I've been outspoken politically, and here I am. So I'm the last person you should ask. I'm here because all my plans failed.

You're also promoting Jeff Who Lives At Home (2), in which a separating couple re-evaluate their lives. Is that something with which you empathise (3)?

I hope that I'm always re-evaluating my life. The most difficult thing is to try to stay authentic. The trap is that you become comfortable, stop asking questions and start to go through your life hypnotised.

The movie is also about an adult guy who still lives with his mum. Anything like your kids?

I have a son who's 23 who finished college and was at home for a little while and my youngest just turned 20 and is coming in and out with an enormous amount of his friends. I think it's a very understandable phenomenon because the economy is so bad you can do everything right and still end up not being able to afford a place to stay and not being able to find a job. I'm very moved by the opportunity to have them at home, except when they leave all their stuff around or their friends expect me to pick up their beer bottles.

What's the signifcance of that tattoo on your wrist?

It's "A N D A N D": "a new dawn, a new day". It reminds me that whatever happens you can't assume anything. It's important to surround yourself with people who are living authentic lives.

Is that hard in Hollywood?

Maybe that's why I live in New York! There you're not isolated, you're on foot, you're just like everybody else. It's easier to avoid thinking of yourself as someone special behind a gate.

How are you currently feeling about Catholicism? You got into hot water with the Catholic church recently (4), but you were raised as a Catholic.

I find institutionalised religion very difficult, and for the most part non-productive. Jesus was amazing and a lot of what he talked about has been warped and used by many people to exclude others and be unloving. I consider myself a spiritual person.

And the pope?

What I said about this pope was somewhat hostile because as a mother and a Catholic I've been very disappointed at the way that he has harboured paedophiles within the church. The church is so powerful that they have a responsibility and an opportunity to heal so many wrongs and instead they're so exclusive.

You played a nun in Dead Man Walking and a lesbian vampire in The Hunger. Do you prefer bad-girl roles?

Oh, sure. Because you get to say and do things that you never in a million years would do. And very often the bad guys are written just so much better than the good guys. If you look at Sister Helen in Dead Man Walking I just walk around saying constantly "Let us pray" and "I'm sorry" – there's so much more to play when someone is evil.

What's the part you most enjoyed?

Bull Durham was really fun to shoot because my character was so sassy and smart and she got to be sexual, and she didn't have to die at the end because of that.

You have also produced films. Is that harder?

As a woman producing a family I'm used to producing, because you have to plan ahead and manage things. Producing a film is not that difficult; getting it sold and distributed is where there are the most problems. I come from a large family, I'm the oldest of nine children, so it seems totally understandable for me to live in chaos.

(1) Sarandon, 65, was awarded the Crystal Globe lifetime achievement award for her contribution to cinema at the Karlovy Vary film festival in the Czech Republic in July. Back to article
(2) The Duplass brothers' post-mumblecore movie, in which Sarandon plays the mother of Jason Segel and Ed Helms. Back to article
(3) Sarandon separated from her long-term partner, Tim Robbins, in 2009. Back to article 
(4) At the Hamptons film festival in October 2011, Sarandon referred to the current pope as a 'Nazi'. Back to article

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